Saturday, July 18, 2009

In Memoriam

This special blog post is dedicated to a man who truly loved his craft and was so great at it, Walter Cronkite. It wasn’t so much that Mr. Cronkite brought us the news. It was that he brought (at least we believed) the truth. He was the most trusted man in this country. His words carried weight with everybody, and I’ll personally never forget him sitting with Anwar Sadat and asking when the Egyptian ruler would go to Israel. In a way, he began the peace process. I will never forget him counting the days ticking up during the Iran Hostage situation.

As I reflect on his vast career, I am reminded of his love of journalism. The love of his craft.

I think we all forget at times to love what we do and take pride in it. That writing is also a craft. It can take a writer to another planet or give them a hero to fall in love with. That’s the great thing about our craft. We’re writers. We paint with words. We create worlds. We create characters.

We all won’t be famous. Most of us will never see our name on the NY Time’s Best Sellers List (but we can hope, and work, and progress as writers).
What we should never forget is to love this craft.

To Walter Cronkite – Godspeed, and happy reporting in heaven.

To all the followers of this blog, have a very happy weekend.

Until next Tuesday, cheers and happy writing,


1 comment:

Sandy said...


Walter was a great man, and you wrote a lovely tribute to him.
