Monday, May 25, 2009

With Love, from Ms. Blush

Hello to you all wonderful, beautiful people!

We hit the last week of May and also the last week about reality in writing.

How much reality is real enough, and how much real is too real? Yes, there is such a thing as too much realism in writing.

Catch the posse of RBA this week as we tackle this issue.

On Tuesday, T.J. will tell us more about the fine line between reality and boredom. This is one line many writers cross and one that may contribute a good deal to the unsaleability factor of mss.

Wednesday, catch Diana's take on the whole matter of realism and reality in writing. She brings to light some important considerations we could all benefit from pondering over.

Thursday, Z(Aasiyah/Nolwynn) weighs in on the discussion too, with her topic slanted on reality when slotted in popular fiction and in the other genre, literature.

Don't forget:

This May, we're scratching at the surface of escapism and bursting the bubble of what constitutes reality in fiction.

This May, we're on the quest:

Searching for an appropriate reality...

The best of us for the best of you, that's our promise as we deliver the full flush of romance.

From now till later, enjoy!

With love, from Ms. Blush

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Ms. Blush,
I think reality is a great topic.
