Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Ever read a paranormal story that left you scratching your head because you’ve been left been left with so many questions. It’s not an uncommon problem, but one that can be easily handled. The author just needs to plant their mythology.

Mythology, whether it is the accepted form or of the author’s creation, must in some way, shape or form, be delivered to the reader. There are a few things it should include.
Who – who is the paranormal and how did they become that way.
What – Are they night loving vampires or baying at the full moon werewolves – this relates to the rules of the paranormal. All paranormal characters should have rules and at least one weakness, otherwise they are lawless, too super superheroes.
Where – the mythology is always attached to the world in which the paranormal is living.
When – Are they new to this or not. Where are they at in their development of powers and in respect to the powers-that-be.
Why – Why pulls it all together. Almost always, it relates to why the character is in the story. Are they an unfortunate soul who just got their freak on with a vamp and wound up undead? Has the character been charged with a duty, such as protecting the counterpart? I’ve always found it easiest to attach the paranormal’s GMC to the plot.

None of these points need to be over explained, but it does need to show up in the story. If it doesn’t, then how does the reader understand the basics of your paranormal character?

Have a great week and until next time, cheers and happy writing,

Now available, Torrid Teasers #57 from Whiskey Creek Press Torrid
Coming soon, Master and Commander’s Prey from Eirelander Publishing

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